Get registered in 3 easy steps
Registration Procedures:
Welcome to TKC Turning Point and to the beginning of an entirely new chapter of your life.
ALL* new clients need to complete these 3 steps to register:
- Complete Registration Form
- Activate Client Profile via Welcome Email
- Book Assessment/Counseling Session
*Even if you're only coming for a professional assessment you have to follow these steps before booking.
All Payments must be made prior to your appointments and preferably booked online 24hrs before.
3 Steps of Registration
Step 1 - Registration Form
All clients must fill out the registration form and agree to the "Privacy Policy", "Consent for Care Agreement" and "Payment Responsibility".
Submit and Confirm Form
Step 2 - Activate Online Account
15 minutes after you complete the Registration form you will receive an invite to our online website to book and manage your appointments.
Click the "Activate Account" button in your welcome email.
Step 3 - Book Your Appointment
Book your first appointment as the last step in registration.
You will need to sign a copy of the "Patient Agreement" at your 1st appointment wether or not you continue after an assessment.